The Do’s & Don’ts of Preventing Sun & Heat Damage to Your Car

The Do's & Don’ts of Preventing Sun & Heat Damage to Your Car

When it comes to protecting your car from the damaging effects of the sun and heat, there are some important do’s and don’ts to keep in mind. The sun’s rays can wreak havoc on your car’s paint job, causing it to fade and the clear coat to peel. Excessive heat can also take a toll on the interior, causing cracks, fading, and damage to the upholstery. To keep your car looking its best and prevent costly repairs, follow these expert tips.

First and foremost, do park your car in a shaded area whenever possible. Direct sunlight can quickly heat up your car’s interior, leading to damage and discomfort. If you don’t have access to a shaded parking spot, consider using a windshield sunshade or a car cover to protect your car’s interior from the sun’s rays. Additionally, applying a UV protectant to your dashboard and other interior surfaces can help prevent fading and cracking.

On the other hand, don’t forget about your car’s exterior. Washing and waxing your car on a regular basis can help protect the paint from the damaging effects of the sun. Be sure to use a high-quality car wash soap and apply a protective wax to create a barrier against UV rays. Regularly inspect your car for any signs of fading or peeling paint, and address them promptly to prevent further damage.

Another important do is to keep your car’s windows and sunroof closed when parked. This will help to minimize the amount of heat entering your car’s interior and prevent damage to the upholstery. If you need to leave your car parked for an extended period of time, consider using window visors or tinting your windows to further reduce heat and UV exposure.

In summary, preventing sun and heat damage to your car requires a combination of protective measures for both the interior and exterior. By following these expert do’s and don’ts, you can keep your car looking its best and maintain its value for years to come.

Protecting Your Car Paint and Interior

Preventing damage from the sun and heat is essential for maintaining the appearance and value of your car. Here are some do’s and don’ts to help you protect your car’s paint and interior:

  1. Do: Park your car in a shaded area whenever possible. This will help minimize direct exposure to the sun, reducing the risk of paint fading and interior damage.
  2. Do: Use a car cover made of UV-resistant material. A high-quality car cover can provide excellent protection against both sun and heat damage.
  3. Do: Regularly wash and wax your car. This not only helps maintain its shine but also creates a protective barrier that can shield the paint from harmful UV rays.
  4. Do: Apply a paint protection film or ceramic coating. These products provide long-lasting protection against UV rays, heat, and other environmental factors that can damage the paint.
  5. Don’t: Use abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals on your car’s paint. These can strip away the protective layers and cause damage to the paint surface.
  6. Don’t: Leave items that can be damaged by heat inside your car, such as electronics, food, or plastic materials. Extreme heat can cause melting, discoloration, or even fire hazards.
  7. Don’t: Neglect the interior of your car. Use sunshades or window tinting to reduce heat inside the car and protect the dashboard, seats, and other interior surfaces from fading or cracking.
  8. Don’t: Forget to check and maintain your car’s cooling system. Heat can put a strain on the engine, so regular coolant checks and maintenance are crucial for preventing overheating.
  9. Do: Inspect your car regularly for any signs of sun or heat damage. Look for fading or peeling paint, cracked vinyl or leather, and any other visible signs of deterioration. Addressing these issues promptly can help prevent further damage and costly repairs.

By following these do’s and don’ts, you can ensure that your car remains well-protected from the damaging effects of the sun and heat, keeping it looking great for years to come.

Using Window Shades and Tinting

If you want to protect your car from damage caused by the sun and heat, using window shades and tinting can be an effective solution. Here are some do’s and don’ts to consider:

Do use window shades:

  • Window shades are a great way to block direct sunlight and heat from entering your car.
  • Choose shades that are specially designed to fit your car windows for maximum coverage.
  • Make sure to use shades on all windows, including the windshield, side windows, and rear window.

Don’t forget about the windshield:

The windshield is one of the most vulnerable areas to sun damage, so it’s important to use a shade specifically designed for this area. A windshield shade will help to prevent sun rays from fading the interior and will also keep the temperature inside the car lower.

Do consider window tinting:

  • Window tinting is an excellent way to reduce sun damage and heat in your car.
  • Choose a professional tinting service to ensure that the tint is applied correctly and evenly.
  • Tint the windows according to local regulations to avoid any legal issues.
  • Keep in mind that darker tints may reduce visibility, so choose a tint level that meets your needs.

Don’t use DIY window tinting kits:

While it may be tempting to save money by doing the tinting yourself, it’s best to leave this job to the professionals. DIY kits can be tricky to apply correctly and may not provide the same level of protection as professional tinting.

Do regular maintenance:

Keep your window shades and tinting in good condition by regularly cleaning them. Use a gentle cleaner and a soft cloth to remove dirt and debris. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the shades or tinting.

By following these do’s and don’ts, you can effectively protect your car from sun and heat damage using window shades and tinting. Remember to choose high-quality products and maintain them properly for the best results.

Covering Your Car When Parked

Protecting your car from sun and heat damage is important, and one way to do so is by covering it when parked. Here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when covering your car:

  • Do: Use a car cover specifically designed for protection against sun and heat. These covers are usually made from reflective material that can reduce the amount of heat absorbed by the car’s exterior.
  • Do: Make sure the car cover fits properly. A loose cover can cause damage to the car’s paint or allow dust and debris to accumulate underneath.
  • Do: Clean the car before covering it. Dust and dirt can scratch the car’s surface when trapped between the cover and the car.
  • Do: Use additional sun protection measures like windshield shades or sun visors to further prevent sun damage to the interior of your car.

On the other hand, there are some don’ts to remember when it comes to covering your car:

  • Don’t: Use a plastic tarp or any non-breathable material to cover your car. This can trap moisture, leading to mold or mildew growth.
  • Don’t: Cover a dirty or wet car, as this can also lead to moisture accumulation and potential damage to the car’s surface.
  • Don’t: Use a cover that is too tight or made from abrasive material. This can cause scratches or rub marks on the car’s paint.
  • Don’t: Cover your car without securing the cover properly. A loose cover can become a hazard, especially in windy conditions.

Lastly, it’s important to note that covering your car can help protect it from sun and heat damage, but it’s not a foolproof solution. Regular maintenance, such as washing and waxing, along with parking in shaded areas whenever possible, can also help minimize the effects of sun and heat on your car.

Parking in Shade

Parking your car in the shade is one of the best ways to prevent sun and heat damage to your vehicle. Here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind:

  • Do: Look for shaded areas such as trees, covered parking lots, or building overhangs where you can park your car.
  • Do: Use a car sunshade to block direct sunlight from entering your car’s interior.
  • Do: Park facing away from the sun, if possible, to minimize direct exposure to sunlight.
  • Do: If you can’t find shade, consider using a car cover to protect your vehicle from the sun’s rays.

On the other hand, there are also some things you should avoid when parking in shade:

  • Don’t: Park your car under trees with branches that could potentially fall and damage your vehicle.
  • Don’t: Park too close to other cars or objects in a shaded area, as this could increase the risk of accidental damage.
  • Don’t: Forget to check for signs indicating parking restrictions or time limits in shaded areas.

Remember, parking in the shade can protect your car from the harmful effects of the sun’s UV rays and excessive heat. By following these do’s and don’ts, you can help maintain the appearance and longevity of your vehicle.

Avoiding Hot Surfaces

When it comes to preventing sun and heat damage to your car, one important aspect to consider is avoiding hot surfaces. Excessive heat can cause damage to various parts of your vehicle, including the interior and exterior.


  • Use sunshades or window visors to block direct sunlight from entering the car and heating up the interior.
  • Park your car in shaded areas whenever possible to minimize exposure to the sun.
  • Apply a protective coating or wax to the exterior of your car to provide a barrier against the sun’s harmful rays.
  • Cover your steering wheel with a towel or use a steering wheel cover to prevent it from becoming too hot to touch.


  • Leave your car parked in direct sunlight for extended periods of time.
  • Run your car’s air conditioning on high immediately after starting it, as it can worsen the effects of heat damage.
  • Touch hot surfaces, such as metal parts or seats, without using a protective layer, such as a cloth or towel.
  • Overlook the importance of regular interior cleaning and conditioning to keep surfaces protected from heat.

In conclusion, being mindful of hot surfaces and taking preventive measures will help protect your car from sun and heat damage. Remember to follow the do’s and avoid the don’ts mentioned above to keep your vehicle in top condition.

Regularly Washing Your Car

One of the most important things you can do to prevent sun and heat damage to your car is to regularly wash it. Washing your car helps to remove dirt, dust, and other particles that can accumulate on the surface and potentially cause damage.

Here are some do’s for regularly washing your car:

  1. Use a gentle soap: When washing your car, it’s important to use a gentle soap that won’t strip away the protective wax layer. Look for a car wash soap specifically formulated for use on vehicles.
  2. Use a microfiber cloth or sponge: When washing your car, use a soft microfiber cloth or sponge to avoid scratching the paint. Avoid using harsh brushes or abrasive materials.
  3. Start at the top: Begin washing your car from the top and work your way down. This helps to prevent dirt and debris from being dragged across the surface, which can cause scratches.
  4. Rinse thoroughly: After washing, make sure to rinse off all the soap residue thoroughly. Soap left behind can leave streaks and spots on the paint.
  5. Dry with a microfiber towel: To prevent water spots, use a soft microfiber towel to dry your car after washing. Wipe in a gentle, circular motion.

Here are some don’ts for regularly washing your car:

  • Don’t use household cleaning products: Avoid using household cleaning products like dish soap or laundry detergent to wash your car. These products can be too harsh and can strip away the protective wax layer.
  • Don’t wash in direct sunlight: Try to avoid washing your car in direct sunlight, especially on hot days. The sun can cause the soap to dry too quickly and leave behind streaks.
  • Don’t use abrasive materials: Avoid using harsh brushes, sponges with abrasive surfaces, or rough towels. These can scratch the paint and cause damage.
  • Don’t forget to clean the wheels: When washing your car, don’t forget to clean the wheels and tires. Brake dust and road grime can build up and cause damage if not removed regularly.

By regularly washing your car and following these do’s and don’ts, you can help to prevent sun and heat damage and keep your car looking its best.

Applying Wax and Sealants

Applying wax and sealants to your car is an important step in preventing sun damage. Here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind:

  • Do: Clean your car thoroughly before applying wax or sealants. This helps to remove any dirt, debris, or contaminants that could interfere with the wax’s ability to bond to the surface.
  • Do: Apply the wax or sealant using a clean, soft cloth or applicator pad. This will ensure an even and smooth application.
  • Do: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application. Different products may have specific instructions regarding the amount of wax to use, how long to let it sit, and how to buff it off.
  • Do: Apply the wax or sealant in a cool, shaded area. This prevents the product from drying too quickly and makes it easier to work with.
  • Do: Apply multiple layers of wax or sealant for added protection. This can help to build up a strong barrier against the sun’s harmful rays.

Now let’s take a look at the don’ts:

  • Don’t: Apply wax or sealant to a dirty or wet car. This can cause the product to not adhere properly and could result in an uneven finish.
  • Don’t: Use too much wax or sealant. Applying an excessive amount can lead to a buildup that is difficult to remove and can attract dirt and grime.
  • Don’t: Apply wax or sealant in direct sunlight. The heat can cause the product to dry too quickly, making it difficult to apply and remove.
  • Don’t: Forget to buff off the excess wax or sealant. Failing to do so can leave behind a hazy or streaky appearance.
  • Don’t: Neglect to reapply wax or sealant regularly. Over time, the protective barrier can wear off, leaving your car vulnerable to sun damage.

By following these do’s and don’ts, you can ensure that your car is properly protected from the damaging effects of the sun. Regularly applying wax or sealant will help to maintain the shine and condition of your vehicle’s paint, keeping it looking its best for years to come.

Using Heat-Resistant Car Covers

When it comes to preventing heat damage to your car, using a heat-resistant car cover can be a great option. Here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind:

  • Do: Choose a high-quality cover. Look for car covers that are specifically designed to be heat-resistant. These covers are made with materials that can withstand high temperatures and protect your car from the sun’s rays.
  • Don’t: Use a cheap or low-quality cover. Cheap car covers may not provide the necessary protection against heat and can even cause additional damage to your car’s paint and interior.
  • Do: Look for a cover with UV protection. Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can cause fading and damage to your car’s paint and interior. Choose a car cover that offers UV protection to prevent this.
  • Don’t: Forget to secure the cover properly. Make sure the car cover is securely fastened to your vehicle to prevent it from blowing away in the wind and exposing your car to the heat.
  • Do: Use a cover that is breathable. A breathable car cover allows air to circulate, preventing heat and moisture buildup that can cause damage to your car’s paint and interior. Look for covers made with breathable materials.
  • Don’t: Use a cover on a hot engine. Avoid placing a car cover on a hot engine, as it can trap heat and cause damage. Allow the engine to cool down before covering.
  • Do: Clean the car cover regularly. Regularly clean your car cover to remove any dirt or debris that could scratch or damage your car’s surface. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning.

Using a heat-resistant car cover is a proactive step in preventing heat damage to your car. By following these do’s and don’ts, you can ensure that your car stays protected from the sun’s harmful rays and extreme temperatures.

Keeping the Interior Cool

When it comes to preventing sun and heat damage to your car’s interior, there are several do’s and don’ts that you should keep in mind. By following these tips, you can help protect your car from the harmful effects of the sun and extreme heat.

  • Don’t: Leave your car parked in direct sunlight for extended periods of time. The sun’s rays can quickly heat up the interior of your car and cause damage to the upholstery, dashboard, and other surfaces.
  • Do: Park your car in shady areas or use a windshield sunshade to block out the sun’s rays. This can help keep the interior of your car cooler and reduce the risk of sun damage.
  • Don’t: Neglect to use window tinting. Window tinting can help block out a significant amount of the sun’s UV rays, reducing the amount of heat that enters your car and protecting your interior from damage.
  • Do: Consider investing in window tinting for your car. Look for quality window tinting films that offer high UV protection and heat rejection.
  • Don’t: Forget to use a car cover. A car cover can provide an additional layer of protection against the sun’s rays and heat. It can also help to keep your car cool, especially if you park it in direct sunlight.
  • Do: Use a car cover when your car is parked for extended periods of time, especially if you can’t find a shady spot.
  • Don’t: Leave the windows cracked open. While it may seem like leaving the windows slightly open can help to ventilate the hot air, it can actually make your car even hotter by allowing more sunlight to enter.
  • Do: Keep the windows closed when your car is parked to help prevent the interior from heating up.

By following these do’s and don’ts, you can help prevent sun and heat damage to your car’s interior and keep it looking and feeling cool for years to come.

Avoiding Direct Sunlight

Direct sunlight can be extremely damaging to your car’s exterior and interior. The sun’s rays contain harmful UV radiation that can cause paint fading, cracking, and peeling. Additionally, the heat from the sun can lead to interior damage such as fading and cracking of the dashboard and seats. To prevent sun damage to your car, follow these do’s and don’ts:

  • Do: Park in shaded areas whenever possible. Look for trees or structures that can provide protection from the sun’s rays.
  • Do: Use a car cover. A car cover can provide an extra layer of protection from the sun’s UV rays.
  • Do: Utilize sunshades for your windows. Sunshades can help block out the sun’s rays and reduce the amount of heat that enters your car.
  • Do: Use a UV protectant. Apply a UV protectant to your car’s exterior surfaces to help protect against sun damage.
  • Do: Keep your car clean. Regularly wash and wax your car to create a barrier between the sun’s rays and your car’s paint.

Don’t: Leave your car uncovered in direct sunlight for extended periods of time. This can lead to significant damage to both the exterior and interior of your car.

Don’t: Neglect your car’s windows. The sun can also cause damage to your car’s windows, so it’s important to take steps to protect them as well.

By following these do’s and don’ts, you can help prevent sun and heat damage to your car, keeping it looking great and maintaining its value for years to come.

Using Sunshades for Windshield

When it comes to preventing sun and heat damage to your car, one of the most effective measures you can take is using a sunshade for your windshield. Sunshades are specially designed to block the harmful UV rays and reduce the amount of heat that enters your car.


  • Always use a sunshade when parking your car in direct sunlight for long periods of time. This will help protect your car’s interior from fading, cracking, and warping.
  • Choose a sunshade with a reflective surface. This will help reflect the sun’s rays away from your car, keeping it cooler and preventing damage to the dashboard and upholstery.
  • Make sure the sunshade you choose fits your windshield properly. It should cover the entire windshield and fit snugly to provide maximum protection.
  • Consider using additional sunshades for your side windows. This will further reduce the amount of heat and UV rays entering your car.


  • Don’t rely solely on tinted windows to protect your car from sun and heat damage. While tinted windows can help reduce heat and UV rays, they are not as effective as using a sunshade.
  • Don’t leave your sunshade in direct sunlight for long periods of time. The heat can cause the material to deteriorate and lose its effectiveness.
  • Avoid folding or storing your sunshade in a way that may cause damage to the reflective surface. This can reduce its ability to block the sun’s rays and keep your car cool.

In conclusion, using a sunshade for your windshield is a simple yet effective way to prevent sun and heat damage to your car. By following the do’s and don’ts mentioned above, you can ensure that your car stays cool and protected, even on the hottest days.

Keeping Windows Slightly Cracked

When it comes to preventing sun and heat damage to your car, one of the do’s is to keep your windows slightly cracked. This simple action can help to alleviate the buildup of heat and prevent damage to your car’s interior.

By keeping the windows cracked, you allow for air circulation, which can help to reduce the temperature inside your car. This can be especially important on hot summer days when the sun’s rays can quickly turn your car into an oven.

However, when cracking your windows, be sure not to leave them open too wide. Leaving them open too wide can create a security risk and make it easier for thieves to access your car. A small crack, about one inch wide, is usually enough to allow for air circulation without compromising the security of your vehicle.

If you’re worried about rain getting inside your car, there are also window visors available that can help to deflect raindrops while still allowing for air circulation. These visors attach to the top of your car’s windows and can be easily installed and removed as needed.

Additionally, you can also consider using sunshades or reflective covers for your windshield and windows when the car is parked. These can help to block out the sun’s rays and keep the interior of your car cooler. When using sunshades, be sure to properly secure them to prevent them from becoming a hazard while driving.

In summary, keeping your windows slightly cracked is a good preventive measure against sun and heat damage to your car. Just be sure to find the right balance between air circulation and security, and consider using window visors and sunshades for additional protection.

Checking and Replacing Fluid Levels

Proper maintenance of your car’s fluid levels is essential in preventing sun and heat damage. Fluids help keep your car running smoothly and prevent overheating, so it’s crucial to check and replace them regularly. Here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind:

  • Do: Check your car’s fluids regularly, especially during the hot summer months. This includes engine oil, coolant, power steering fluid, brake fluid, and transmission fluid.
  • Do: Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for fluid replacement intervals. This ensures that your car’s fluids are fresh and effective in preventing heat damage.
  • Do: Use the correct type and grade of fluids as recommended by the manufacturer. Using the wrong fluids can lead to engine damage and overheating.
  • Do: Inspect the fluid levels visually and check for any signs of leaks. Low fluid levels or leaks can indicate a problem that needs to be addressed.
  • Do: Top up the fluids as needed. If you notice that any of the fluids are low, add the appropriate amount to bring them back to the recommended level.

Now, let’s take a look at some important don’ts:

  1. Don’t: Neglect checking your car’s fluid levels. Keeping them at the proper levels is crucial for preventing engine damage and ensuring optimal performance.
  2. Don’t: Forget to replace the fluids at the recommended intervals. Over time, fluids can break down and lose their effectiveness in protecting your car from heat damage.
  3. Don’t: Mix different types or brands of fluids. Stick to the recommended fluids to avoid potential compatibility issues.
  4. Don’t: Ignore any signs of leaks or fluid contamination. Address these issues promptly to prevent further damage.
  5. Don’t: Overfill the fluids. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the proper levels to avoid overflow and potential damage.

By following these do’s and don’ts for checking and replacing your car’s fluid levels, you can help prevent sun and heat damage to your vehicle and ensure its longevity and performance.

Using a Dashboard Cover

One of the important ways to prevent sun and heat damage to your car’s dashboard is by using a dashboard cover. Dashboard covers are designed to fit over your car’s dashboard and provide protection against the harmful effects of the sun’s rays and extreme temperatures.

Here are some do’s and don’ts to consider when using a dashboard cover:

  1. Do: Choose a dashboard cover that is made of high-quality materials. Look for covers that are UV-resistant and heat-resistant, as these will provide the most effective protection for your car’s dashboard.
  2. Do: Measure your car’s dashboard before purchasing a cover. This will ensure that you choose the right size and fit for your specific car model.
  3. Do: Clean and maintain your dashboard cover regularly. Use a damp cloth or sponge to remove any dirt or debris, and avoid using harsh chemicals that might damage the cover’s material.
  4. Do: Store your dashboard cover properly when not in use. Folding or rolling it up neatly and keeping it in a cool, dry place will help to maintain its shape and prolong its lifespan.

On the other hand, there are certain things you should avoid when using a dashboard cover:

  • Don’t: Install a dashboard cover that is too tight or loose. A poorly fitted cover may not provide adequate protection and could cause damage to your dashboard.
  • Don’t: Leave your dashboard cover exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods of time. Even though the cover is designed to block UV rays, prolonged exposure to the sun can still cause damage.
  • Don’t: Use a dashboard cover that obstructs your view or interferes with your driving. Make sure the cover is properly installed and does not hinder your visibility while driving.
  • Don’t: Neglect to check your dashboard for signs of damage or wear. Regularly inspect your dashboard for any cracks, fading, or discoloration, and address any issues promptly.

By following these do’s and don’ts, you can effectively prevent sun and heat damage to your car’s dashboard and keep it looking like new for a longer period of time.

Protecting Tires from Sun Damage

When it comes to preventing sun damage to your car, it’s important not to overlook the tires. The hot rays of the sun can cause significant damage to your tires over time if proper precautions are not taken. Here are a few do’s and don’ts to protect your tires from sun damage:

  • Do park your car in shaded areas whenever possible. This will help minimize the exposure of your tires to the sun’s harmful rays.
  • Do use tire covers or shades to provide additional protection from direct sunlight. These covers can be easily installed and removed, and they can significantly prolong the lifespan of your tires.
  • Do regularly inspect your tires for any signs of dryness or cracking. If you notice any damage, it’s important to address it promptly to prevent further deterioration.

Don’t park your car for extended periods in direct sunlight. The heat from the sun can cause the tires to expand, leading to uneven tread wear and decreased performance.

  • Don’t use tire dressings that contain petroleum-based solvents. These products can actually accelerate sun damage and cause the tires to deteriorate more quickly.
  • Don’t forget to regularly clean your tires. Use a mild soap and water solution to remove dirt and debris, and avoid using harsh chemicals that can cause damage.

In conclusion, protecting your tires from sun damage is an important part of car maintenance. By following these do’s and don’ts, you can help extend the life of your tires and ensure optimal performance for your vehicle.

Using a Garage or Carport

One of the most effective ways to prevent sun and heat damage to your car is to park it in a garage or carport. By keeping your car sheltered from direct sunlight, you can greatly reduce the risk of fading or cracking of the interior materials, as well as paint damage.


  • Choose a garage or carport with a solid roof to provide maximum protection against the sun’s rays.
  • If you don’t have access to a private garage or carport, consider using a public parking garage or shaded parking area when available.
  • Make sure your garage or carport is clean and free of debris that could potentially scratch or damage your car’s exterior.
  • Regularly inspect and maintain your garage or carport to ensure it remains structurally sound and able to provide adequate protection.


  • Avoid parking your car under trees or near other objects that may cause damage if they fall or touch your car.
  • Do not park your car in a poorly ventilated garage or carport, as this can lead to heat buildup and potential damage to the vehicle.
  • Avoid parking your car too close to the walls or any objects in the garage or carport that could potentially scratch or damage your car’s exterior.
  • Do not store any combustible materials or chemicals in the same space as your car, as this can increase the risk of fire or damage to your vehicle.

In conclusion, using a garage or carport to protect your car from the sun and heat is an effective way to prevent damage to both the interior and exterior of your vehicle. By following the do’s and don’ts mentioned above, you can ensure that your car remains in good condition and retains its value for years to come.

Regularly Inspecting Your Car’s Condition

Regularly inspecting your car is an essential part of preventing sun and heat damage. By staying aware of any issues or potential problems, you can take action before they become major headaches. Here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when inspecting your car’s condition:


  • Perform a visual inspection of your car’s exterior on a regular basis. Look for any signs of paint damage, fading, or discoloration caused by sun exposure.
  • Check the condition of your car’s tires. Inspect for cracks, bulges, and uneven wear, as excessive heat can cause damage to the rubber.
  • Inspect the windshield and other windows for any chips or cracks. Extreme temperatures can worsen these issues and compromise the structural integrity of the glass.
  • Regularly check your car’s fluids, including the coolant and oil levels. High temperatures can increase the risk of overheating and engine damage, so it’s important to ensure all fluids are at the proper levels.
  • Test your car’s air conditioning system to ensure it is functioning properly. Heat and sunlight can take a toll on the system over time, so it’s important to address any issues before they worsen.


  • Ignore any warning signs or unusual noises coming from your car. These can be indicators of underlying issues that need to be addressed to prevent further damage.
  • Forget to clean your car regularly. Built-up dirt and grime can contribute to the accumulation of heat and cause damage to your car’s paint and exterior surfaces.
  • Leave your car parked in direct sunlight for extended periods of time. This can lead to interior damage, such as fading or cracking of the dashboard and upholstery.
  • Overlook the importance of regular maintenance. Keeping up with routine inspections, oil changes, and other maintenance tasks can help prevent heat and sun damage by ensuring your car is in good working condition.
  • Neglect to protect your car’s interior from the sun. Consider using sun shades or tinted windows to help reduce the amount of heat and UV rays that enter your car.

By regularly inspecting your car’s condition and following these do’s and don’ts, you can help prevent sun and heat damage and keep your car looking and running its best for years to come.


How can I prevent sun damage to my car’s interior?

To prevent sun damage to your car’s interior, you can use a sunshade or windshield visor to block out direct sunlight. You can also park your car in a shaded area or use a car cover to protect it from the sun. Additionally, regularly applying a UV protectant to your car’s interior surfaces can help prevent sun damage.

What should I do if my car’s paint is starting to fade due to sun exposure?

If your car’s paint is starting to fade due to sun exposure, there are a few steps you can take. First, give your car a thorough wash to remove any dirt and debris. Then, use a rubbing compound to gently polish the faded areas. Finally, apply a car wax to protect the paint and prevent further fading.

Can I use regular household cleaning products to clean my car’s windows?

No, it is not recommended to use regular household cleaning products to clean your car’s windows. These products may contain ingredients that can damage the window tint or leave streaks on the glass. It is best to use a glass cleaner specifically formulated for automotive use.

How often should I wash my car to prevent sun and heat damage?

It is recommended to wash your car at least once a week to prevent sun and heat damage. Regular washing helps remove dirt, dust, and other contaminants that can cause damage to the car’s paint. Additionally, washing your car frequently can help prevent the buildup of heat on the paint surface.

Is it necessary to use a car cover to protect my car from sun and heat damage?

Using a car cover is not necessary, but it can provide an extra layer of protection against sun and heat damage. A car cover can help shield your car’s paint from the sun’s harmful UV rays and can also help reduce interior temperatures. If you don’t have access to covered parking, using a car cover is a good option.

What are the signs of sun and heat damage to a car’s interior?

The signs of sun and heat damage to a car’s interior may include faded or cracked upholstery, cracked or warped dashboard, and a discolored steering wheel. You may also notice a strong odor or a sticky residue on the interior surfaces. If you notice any of these signs, it is important to take steps to prevent further damage.